Rivals to Ghost
Lively Scenes at Haunted House
Paris, Sunday.
The haunted house of Versailles in the Rue Baillet is a popular success. The day before yesterday 200 visitors came between ten and midnight, and last night more than 600 assembled under the windows. Discussions between enthusiasts and sceptics became so heated that the tenants of the house threw empty tins and buckets of water on the crowd and police had to be called to restore quiet. Meanwhile, the ghost has ceased its manifestations – Exchange.
Westminster Gazette, 31st July 1922.
“Ghost” Besieged by Crowd.
Believers’ Battle with Sceptics at Haunted House.
Manifestations by a “ghost” in a house in the Rue Baillet, Versailles, have drawn large crowds to the “haunted” building, and on Saturday night a discussion between elievers and sceptics led to a free fight. The police had to intervene to restore order.
Before 10 o’clock and midnight some 600 people had assembled beneath the windows of the mystery mansion (says an Exchange Paris message), and the discussion between the spiritualists and the scoffers became so heated that the tenants of the house threw empty jam tins and buckets of water on the heads of the disputants. Even this, however, could not cool their ardour, and the police had to disperse the crowd.
Meanwhile the ghost had ceased its manifestations.
Daily Herald, 31st July 1922.
Rout of the “Ghosts”.
Police solve a Versailles Mystery.
Paris, Tuesday.
The quiet suburb of Versailles has been sadly disturbed by “ghosts” at a little house occupied by Madame Leroy and her ten years’ old granddaughter, Odette. Stories of shaking walls, jumping furniture and ringing bells during the night hours led to the police installing themselves on the premises. The noises ceased. Little Odette went back to her mother, who was warned to keep a watchful eye on the girl, and Madame Leroy was advised not to eat too heavy suppers. – Central News.
Birmingham Daily Gazette, 2nd August 1922.