
Coventry, West Midlands (1936)

Haunted by a Poltergeist?
Here is a ghost story. Two Coventry people were recently introduced to an old gentleman of about 70 years of age. He appeared to be a gentle and benevolent person – as, indeed, he is – without abnormalities of any sort. Imagine, then, their surprise when they were told “he always lives with friends. He cannot have a house of his own.” An explanation was demanded. It was then stated that no sooner does the old man set up his own establishment than mysterious things begin to happen in the house. Loud knockings are heard, articles are moved about, and, on one occasion, the bath was seen to be rocking violently. These occurrences are vouched for by his friends, and the bath was seen rocking by several people. Incidentally, the “manifestations” fail to worry the old gentleman, who is a widower.

Coventry Evening Telegraph, Saturday 7th March 1936.