
Smethwick, West Midlands (1987)

 Home has ‘crying ghost’.

A Smethwick couple are considering calling in the clergy to conduct an exorcism. They believe their home is haunted by a “crying” ghost. Mrs Jayne Egginton and her husband, Alan, of Sabell Road, Smethwick, say they have several times heard what sounds like a young person crying in a bedroom and someone running across the floor. But when they have gone upstairs to investigate everything has been quiet.

The couple, who have three boys aged five, two and six months, bought the three-bedroom 80-year-old house eight months ago. Mrs Egginton said: “The first time we heard the noises Alan and I were downstairs at night. There was a noise like a young person crying and then running steps. I went up thinking it was one of our children but found them both sound asleep.”

Sandwell Evening Mail, 27th February 1987.