
Kermarc, Plouguernevel, Brittany, France (1876)

 France appears to be the favorite country for spirits who like to throw stones, though such phenomena as stone-throwing have occasionally appeared in other lands. Perhaps it pleasingly recalls to the perpetrators of the mischief the scene of the “barricades.”

At the village of Kermai’ch de Plouguernevel, two small houses would be nearly filled with stones if not removed. They seem to fall from the ceiling, sometimes hitting the inmates, thus rendering one of the dwellings untenable. Prayers have been said by visiting priests, and a statuette of our Mother of Lourdes has been placed in one of the rooms, but the stones come as merrily as ever. Some of these missiles have been taken by the priests and boiled for an hour, reminding one of the middle ages, but all to no purpose. Priest and people are alike alarmed, for at certain days and fixed hours the spirits still hold their revels.

Spiritual Scientist, 21st December 1876.