A Haunted House.
The following startling story, contained in a letter to Athy Urban Council recently we cull from the “Leinster Leader.” –
“I have the spirit of the Devil in my new cottage, and he comes to me at night playing music on a strange instrument, up on the walls of the house,” stated a tenant of a Board of Health cottage situated in Athy Rural District, in a letter which was read at the Athy Urban Council meeting.
“He begins to curse me and my family the whole night long,” the letter continued,” and blackguarding me in an awful way he told me that if i took the cottage he would destroy me. And he is destroying me ever since. My body is terrified day and night because I cannot sleep. Think of it. He is under me in the bed, pinching me to make me cross. I am in the best of health and striving to do my own business in my own way, and it is an awful position I am in, having to put up with the abuse of the devil in this way. Could I trouble a couple of the Council men to come out to me any night, that I could tell them about this dreadful experience? Any night you will be welcome. I am ashamed to mention all the things before the women of the Council. I was thinking of putting it into the newspapers to let the whole world know of the awful occurrences that may happen to anyone. When I told the doctor about it he gave me a bottle, but I don’t want medicine, for I am alright that way.”
Chairman (Mr Carbery) – This is an astonishing case. I think we should write and ask the clergy to call on the man.
Mrs Doyle – This is not a matter for this Council at all. It is the Co. Council that this letter shoud have gone.
Chairman – Very well: the Co. Council can deal with it.
Galway Observer, 29th April 1944.