Villagers Mystified.
Memories of the Guyra “ghost” are revived by reports of strange happenings at Murwillumbah (N.S.W.), where women and children are in a state of terror over mysterious lights and noises in an empty house on the river. The house was recently vacated by Mr T. Williams.
It is asserted that lights appear and disappear, and then the whole of the house is brilliantly lit up. All the time noises are heard, like a number of people arguing and talking at once, though listeners are unable to distinguish one word. Then follows something like the sound of an object falling, and then being dragged across a room, and hammered on the wall. Two business men kept watch on Sunday night, but when they rushed up the house was in darkness, and the noises ceased.
The Australasian, 23rd September 1922.