
Nanjing, China (1877)


The correspondent of the Shanghai Courier writes: – 

The surviving victims of the powder explosion last month have received from the Viceroy Tls. 4 each; while Tls. 12 have been given to the friends of each of the dead. The total number of injured is said to have been sixty-three, of whom a third have died.

The ghosts of the dead return nightly to the house of the mandarin who owned the powder, and disturb his slumbers by their unearthly noises. These indignant shades try to force open his doors and knock long and vainly for admission. 

I have been asked if I knew of any means of quieting these nocturnal visitors, but not cherishing the most pleasant recollections of the man I did not manifest much sympathy for him. 

On the day after the explosion he wished me privately to prescribe for a wounded servant, but was too proud to permit me to attend the case personally. If the ghosts wish to visit him they should not be interfered with.

London and China Telegraph, 22nd September 1877.