
Ulm, Germany (1870s)

 Mysterious knocking and ringing continued for three years – the police baffled.

The correspondent of the Revue Spirite relates, that at Ulm, in Bavaria, spirits have persistently disturbed the town by loud rapping on one especial house. Sometimes at ten, two, and four in the morning loud raps were heard on the door, awaking the inmates and neighbours  from their sleep. The house is situated in a small street. In the centre of the habitation there is a large door painted green – a passage conducts you to a yard, opening into which there is another house; the green door serves for the two buildings.

The consternation of the proprietor and the inhabitants may be imagined, when, after having kept watch in turn, to seize the disturbers, no one could be seen. At first the noise was attributed to some practical jokers; but in vain they kept watch before and behind the door, formidable blows made the door tremble, and even caused the adjoining houses to vibrate, till the whole neighbourhood was disturbed.

Various neighbours proposed exorcism, others pretended that the son of the proprietor having died mad, the noise portended that the father was menaced by the same fate. The Mayor of Ulm, an active magistrate, heard of the singular occurrence, had th ehouse watched, and placed police inside it. But, in spite of the Argus eyes of the law, the noises continued during three years to disturb the peaceful slumbers of the neighbours.

Spiritual Magazine, May 1874.