A Ghost.
Some of the good folks of Wakefield have, during the last few days, been frightened out of their propriety by a ghost story. It appears that in a house near the bottom of Market-street, strange noises began to be heard by the inmates about six weeks ago. These noises are sometimes very loud, like a heavy person jumping across the chamber floor; at others, resembling the noise caused by any one rubbing a large stone against the walls.
Up to this time, the cause of these strange noises has not been found out; but the most singular part of the matter is that the noises are loudest when a little girl, about ten years of age, goes up stairs. The occupiers have had a partition wall of lath and plaster taken down, but still the noise continues.
It is said that it is generally loudest between six and seven o’clock in the morning. A shrewd friend of ours visited the house on Tuesday, and was there for near two hours, and he failed in detecting any cause for what he had heard.
Of course, many people look upon the affair as the visitation of a real ghost; but we opine that when it is detected it will be found to be something approaching nearer to flesh and blood than to the invisible world. We learn that the famimly have resolved to leave the house, and try to get into another where they will be free from the visitations of this mysterious stranger. – Wakefield Journal.
Bradford Observer, 21st February 1850.