
Kolkata, India (1914)

 Haunted Police Station.

The Englishman publishes reports of manifestations noticed in the alleged haunted police station at Fenwick bazar, Calcutta. It is stated that an officer in the station was pitched out of his bed while asleep. His bed was overturned, and a head constable who went to his assistance had a narrow escape from being injured. The officer retired at night as usual, and when he had fallen asleep, was suddenly lifted out of his bed, and thrown on the floor in a mysterious manner when there was nobody in the room. His boots, which were placed underneath the bed, were found on the verandah, despite the fact that the only door leading to it was locked. A head constable who ran upstairs to assist the Inspector met with a shower of plates, which however fell broken at his feet. The officer, not being a believer in ghosts, armed himself with a gun, and searched the premises minutely, but he failed to find any individual. Strange noises at the dead of night and other occurrences are creating a commotion among the men in the police station.

Civil and Military Gazette (Lahore), 20th February 1914.