
Florence, Tuscany, Italy (1909)

 Dante’s Haunted House.

The papers of Florence are full of comments on the report that the house where the great Dante Alighieri lived is haunted by ghosts. The premises are occupied now by a blacksmith, whose shop once formed the bedroom of the poet.Apart from mysterious noises in the apartment, all the implements of the blacksmith used during the day move through no apparent agency. A few days ago a big hammer started mysteriously from the desk, dealing a heavy blow on the blacksmith’s head.

Two assistants of the blacksmith, believed to be powerful mediums and the cause of the phenomena, decided to hold a spirit sitting with two mediums. The spirit revealed himself by writing and handing over a piece of ancient parchment, on which he expressed the wish that nobody should live to occupy the room where Dante was born, and also that the mediums should be dismissed by the blacksmith.

Dundee Courier, 2nd August 1909.