
Chester (1814)

More ghosts.

A circumstance entirely novel in Chester has to come to light within these few days, which has excited considerable alarm in the neighbourhood. About six months since, a person under the employ of Government, died, and it was whispered in the neighbourhood, that he used to visit his late house in an unpleasant manner, at midnight.

His Ghostship at last got so troublesome, that the good woman of the house was under the necessity of leaving the premises, and they have since been occupied by a family from the country, who, we are told, will likewise be under the necessity of quitting, having received several nocturnal visits from the ghost of the deceased tenant, the last of which, it is said, was on Friday night last, from about twelve till five in the morning, during which time, the noise in the house was so great, as to prevent any of the family going to sleep!

As this is rather an extraordinary affair, we shall for the present forbear giving any of the reasons assigned for the ghost’s visit to this transitory world! (- Chester Chronicle, March 4th.)

Nottingham Gazette, 18th March 1814.