
Ortona, Chieti, Italy (1925)

Power of Fairies.

(By arrangement with London “Express.”)

Rome, Saturday. – An attack of influenza left a girl of sixteen, named Emma Sharaglia, of Ortona, the possessor of psychic powers. She often falls into trances, and mysterious events happen. Strange noises are heard, and people declare that they have seen glasses move on the table and heard pots rattling on the shelves. The girl says that she is in the power of twelve fairies and that she is the thirteenth. As a local legend says that the fairies in old times used to meet at St Catherine’s Well, situated in the field near Ortona, the girl goes there every day. As soon as she returns the phenomena begin. The girl can always fortell the visitors during the day and their number. She also tells the time without looking at the clock. Local doctors are preparing a report for the Spiritist Society in Rome, which will send an investigator to Ortona if the phenomena continue.

Belfast Telegraph, 16th February 1925.