This ghost is almost one of the staff.
The ghost which haunts a Taunton marine engineers has no qualms about letting staff know it’s around. It has even been known to flush the lavatory. And now there have been so many manifestations at DB Marine that the staff are quite convinced they have a ghostly resident. The firm is based in a converted mill alongside the River Tone near Creech Castle, a building which has a gruesome legend of murder and suicide.
DB Marine’s boss, former waterskiing ace Ricky Holmes, is pictured having a ghostly encounter. He said: “Mostly you get footsteps along an upper floor. At first we would look up to see who was there, but it happens so often now we don’t even bother.”
A former receptionist spoke of feeling ghostly hands close around her neck and her successor, Marion Hoad, said she has often had the feeling of someone standing behind her in the office. But her strangest experience came two years ago. “I was standing in the workshop with my daughter close to a place where the teacups are hung on nails. Suddenly, two of them flew off the hooks, cleared the table underneath and smashed at our feet. It scared us out of our wits,” she said.
Western Daily Press, 11th March 1987.