
Singapore (1951)

$100 to drive off a ghost.

Fed up with the pranks of a poltergeist, a Chinese family living off Kim Keat Road in Singapore have spent more than $100 for the services of an exorcist and have succeeded in getting some peace, after five days of disturbance.

The mischief came in the form of stones hurled into the kitchen and ash and burnt charcoal into the sitting room. A peculiarity of the ghost is that ‘it’ worked only while the menfolk were out. All the stones came in one direction – over an adjoining house. The ghost specially concentrated on a 14-year-old girl in the family. The family called in the exorcist after the girl fainted because the ghost appeared to her in the form of a Malay woman and told her she would return in four days’ time to take her away.

Singapore Standard, 7th November 1951.