
Coupar Angus, Perth and Kinross (1937)

 Council house “haunted.”

Strange sounds and lights at Coupar Angus.

A “ghost” in Coupar Angus has adopted the modern outlook. While other spooks haunt the baronial castle, the Coupar Angus spectre has taken over a Council house. The scene of the alleged hauntings is King’s Road, where a housing scheme has just been completed. Mysterious sounds issuing at night from one of the empty houses, lights flashing, and the opening of locked doors are among the mysteries. In addition a white figure has been seen, while children state that they have been followed by the figure. Should the figure prove to have substance, there is likely to be more “hunting” than “haunting,” for the people in the district are becoming annoyed about it. In fact if the “ghost” is captured it will probably become a tenant of another “Council house.”

Dundee Courier, 18th January 1937.