A Ghost Wrecks His Home.
A police guard and fireworks have not been effective in putting an end to “phenomena” which are gradually wrecking the home of Senor Jose Pereira in Sao Paulo.
It all began about two months ago when the electric wiring in his flat burned out for no apparent reason when the premises were empty. Next day tins of food began to roll off the shelves, a cupboard crashed over, “bones and phials” rained from the ceiling.
Before calling the police, Senor Pereira had to borrow a cup from his neighbours to drink his morning coffee. He told police that “they” have broken 40 cups and three dozen glasses, the cupboard, a buffet and a sewing machine.
Besides the breakage, his wife told of another unexplained incident. A stocking she had washed and locked away in a trunk was discovered the next day, blood-stained.
Torbay Express and South Devon Echo, 12th August 1960.