Strange Knockings.
After reading J.J. Brown’s letter headed “The night a spirit called,” I found it interesting to know someone else has had this experience also. My wife and I are often awakened during the night by sharp distinct knocking on the door, sometimes the back door, other times the middle door. The latest of these has been on the bedroom door, but in this particular case it is a very quiet tapping sound as though it was applied with a gloved hand and I always get the impression someone is about to say, can I come in?
At first, these knockings were quite hair-raising to say the least, especially after getting out of bed in the middle of the night to find nothing in the way of an explanation. Now we take it as just one more strange extraordinary experience we have had and which I have taken care to write about while they have been fresh in my mind.
– Bill Levison, Burnside View, Seghill.
Newcastle Evening Chronicle, 16th February 1978.
The night a spirit called…
I received a spiritual message from an old gentleman friend who stayed with us in our home for two years. His bedroom was opposite ours until he was ailing. As we were also old we advised him to go and live with his niece to look after him. Since then we lost contact except for an exchange of birthday cards and Christmas greetings. It was on October 16, 1977, I had a vision, a message from him, while we were asleep at night. I was startled by two loud knocks on our bedroom door. The door was bolted and I told my wife not to open it as I had witnessed these warnings previously by six taps on the bedroom window. I always got a message that a near friend had died on that very night of tapping.
As usual I sent a Christmas card to this old gentleman but none came back in return, but I got sent by the niece a reply that her uncle died in hospital on October 16, 1977. This was a rare experience and proved to me this is not the end. Only our material body is corrupted and demolished; we do put over a new spiritual body. I do thank God for this rare experience. I wonder, and would like to know from readers of your valuable Evening Chronicle, who had had such an experience. – J.J. Brown, 6 Agricola Road, Newcastle.
Newcastle Evening Chronicle, 6th February 1978.