
Colchester, Essex (1784)

 A very extraordinary circumstance has lately attracted the notice of the inhabitants of Colchester. A widow woman, (Mrs. B.) who kept a farm in the neighbourhood, frequently complained of her house being haunted. Strange noises were heard in the dead of the night; the furniture of the kitchen and the bed-chambers was thrown about the floors; the milk turned in the dairy, and many other alarming incidents took place.

Crowds of people went from many parts of Essex to be witness of the devastations committed by this mischievous apparition. Several people sat up all night, and were convinced how well-founded Mrs B’s complaints were. A worthy clergyman, however, on Friday last developed the whole mystery, by bringing the Lady of the Mansion to a confession that the demon who haunted it was no other than herself, who had found means to make the above disturbance, in order to prevent a young woman (to whom her son was going to be married) from coming to live at the farm. 

The above, we are assured from concurring testimonies, is absolutely fact.

Salisbury and Winchester Journal, 23rd August 1784.