
New Cross, London (1894)

 A New Cross “Ghost.”

Strange Noises In A House.

Some sensation has been caused at New-cross by the report that a certain house in the neighbourhood of Mornington-road, New-cross, is “haunted.” Strange noises have been heard there at night, and these are described as resembling the removal of furniture.

It appears (says the South-Eastern Herald) that some years since there lived in the house a man, his wife, and her sister. Without imputing blame to anyone, we may say that the wife, being jealous of her sister, left the house, and in departing said that she would “haunt them alive or dead.” She died shortly afterwards, and people had occasion to remember her threat, because unaccountable noises were heard at all hours of the night by lodgers, all of whom agreed that they sounded like somebody knocking over chairs and tables. So marked have been the disturbances that four lodgers have left on that account.

The landlord has no faith in the ghost theory, and suggests a cat. the landlady says: – On Saturday night she heard footsteps at 12 o’clock going past her room, and recognised the step as that of her mother, who was ill at the time. Upon her husband’s return she stated that her mother had walked past the room she was in and went upstairs. She did not see anything, although she followed the footsteps, which she recognised (her mother being lame of one foot). She subsequently heard that her mother was still alive.

Hampshire Advertiser, 3rd October 1894.