
Tunbridge Wells, Kent (1966)

 Mystery noise keeps family awake.

Loud knocking noises which apparently come from an empty house next door are causing sleepless nights for a family in Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells. The house, which has been empty for some weeks, is owned by the National Provincial Bank. 

For some nights past the knocking has awakened Mr John Read, his wife, Joyce, and their children, David, four, and Fiona, two, bringing the children to tears. After Mr Read’s father reported the mystery to Tunbridge Wells police they made a roof-to-basement search of the house. They found the dust undisturbed and not a footprint or other clue in sight.

Now the Reads are wondering: Is it a ghost? Is someone preparing to raid the Bank? – and most important: when will it stop? Mrs Read told the Courier: “It seems to start after midnight and is louder downstairs than in the bedroom. It is just like someone knocking loudly on the wall. If we could move away I would do so.”

A bank spokesman said: “We cannot account for it, but we are satisfied that no-one is trying to raid our strong-room.” But the Reads remain apprehensive about the mystery.

Kent and Sussex Courier, 13th May 1966.