
Deptford, Lewisham, London (1699)

 The Devil of Deptford.

Being a true relation of the strange disturbances, ludicrous feats, and malicious pranks of an evil spirit in the house of Mr G. living in Back Lane at Deptford near London, in April and May, 1699.

The truth whereof is known, and can be attested by a great number of the inhabitants of that town.

Published to prevent false reports.

Though the Sadducees and Atheists of this age have the confident vanity to deny the being of spirits, and affirm  that all the stories concerning them, and the feats performed by them, are either fabulous, or else are to be ascribed only to natural causes; yet their fond opinions have been undeniably confuted by several learned and ingenious men.

And as the examples of former ages, so the prodigious accidents that have happened in these, and some of our neighbouring nations, make it evident beyond contradiction, that there are evil spirits or devils, which do infest this lower world, and of which we have a fresh convincing argument in the following instance: all the particulars of whereof were acted, not in the dark, or at midnight, but at noon-day in the face of the sun, in the sight of a great many persons; and the effects thereof were felt by diverse of the family.

I will not pretend to give an account of every little accident that happened, but only relate those that were most observable, and occurred to the memory of the parties concerned therein; which take as follows.

Upon Saturday, April 25, 1699, at the house of Mr G. a gentleman well known, living in Back-Lane at Deptford in Kent, about twelve a clock at noon, a stone was thrown against the parlour window next to the street, which breaking the glass came into the room. The boys that were in the street were charged with doing it, but they all denied it; when instantly another stone was thrown, which broke the glass likewise, and fell into the room.

Soon after for many days together a great number of stones were thrown against the back and side windows next the garden, seeming to come from the fields behind; which battered the glass and lead in such a strange manner as if torn and rent with a storm of wind or hail. The stones still continuing to be thrown, the window shutters were put to; but then the battery seemed to be renewed with more fury, and one of the shutters was shattered to pieces with a great stone. At length they nailed up strong boards on the outside of the broken windows; after which the disturbance ceased from without, but began within the house.

One time all the china cups and glasses were removed from the mantle-piece in the parlour, and set on the floor. At another time several earthen plates and dishes were broken to shievers, which being laid together by the gentlewoman were thrown at them with great force, so that they were obliged to carry them out of the house: several pewter plates were seen to come out of the kitchen, below stairs, into the parlour of themselves; an iron heater moved up stairs into the bedchamber, and was thrown at the gentlewoman’s head, striking her under the ear so hard that the blood came; and while she was surprised at the blow, it rose again from the floor, and struck her on the other side of the head.

After this the maid carries it into the garden, and about an hour after they being at dinner, the same heater was seen by the gentleman to come in at the parlour door, and struck his wife the third time upon her collar-bone, which pained her a considerable time. 

A small runlet or barrel of about 4 gallons came out of the cellar, to the stair head; a gentleman being there, kicked it down again, but the maid going down soon after, met the cask coming up again, with the head uppermost; and the cask was seen to move by the gentleman of the house, and another after it came up. A candle and candlestick being left in the dining room, which was locked, was thrown upstairs, and they looking out at the noise found it there, and yet the door continued locked as before.

A large book was thrown down a pair of stairs; part of a loaf of bread was conveyed from its place, and after long search was at last foud hid under a kettle in the cellar. Some butter in a pan was thrown into the dirt, and the pan broke to pieces. A little book came of itself out of a drawer in the chamber, and crossing the room about two foot from the ground, hovering all the way as if blown along, fell at the gentlewoman’s feet, who carried it back to the same place, but saw it immediately come out of the drawer again and approach her. This was repeated five times successively, the carrying it back, and that still returning again; till at length it was gone out of the drawer she knew not how nor where, but sometime after found it in the corner of a closet.

A hat and hatcase likewise marched about the room without human aid; a small stool rise from the ground and fell upon a chest of drawers, and after some time jumped off again, and stood  upon the feet as before. Candles, tobacco pipes, and an head-block were likewise moved about visibly without hands; and some sausages or links being carried upstairs for security, on a sudden began to be on their march downstairs.  A young maid seeing them stir, cried out, Stop the links, and strove to catch them, but they were too nimble for her, and became instantly invisible; but upon strict search were found in a corner of the cellar all over dirty; however being well washed and fried, the gentleman and his wife made their suppers on them, and found no inconvenience; though they were dissuaded therefrom since it was not known through what infernal hands they had passed.

The gentlewoman one time opening her trunk where her clothes lay, something seemed to heave them up, as if a cat had been underneath. The like accident happened to the maid’s trunk and clothes, though nothing was to be found. The linen likewise in the chest of drawers was often rumpled, though laid never so smooth; and one day the whole chest of drawers was turned with the bottom upwards. The beds, though made in the morning would be disordered, and the cloths thrown off 2 or 3 times in a day, and the pillows carried downstairs.

The gentleman walking in his garden with his hands behind him had a stone thrown therein, and the gentlewoman seeing a stone coming toward her catched it with her hand. They were often struck with the stones, but without much damage. It is computed there were no less than a thousand stones thrown into and about the house, within the month wherein this disturbance continued. They set watches about the streets, fields and gardens adjacent to observe whether any person was seen to throw them, but they could perceive none; and yet at that same time the stones were seen to fly against the house as fast as before.

At first the gentleman got some friends to sit up all night, praying and reading; but in a few days they observed that the noise ceased every night about eleven a clock, and began again about eight next morning, so that nothing disturbed their rest. They also found in the day time, that the more company they had the less they were troubled.

Some Reverend Divines were there to enquire into the particulars of this strange disturbance, and were fully satisfied that it could be only the effect of an invisible and supernatural power, and altogether unaccountable to humane reason.

This disturbance began about ten days after one person came into the family, who continued there about five weeks, and then went away; the very same day all the disturbance ceased, and all has continued quiet, without the least noise or trouble ever since.

If any desire to be satisfied of the truth of this account, the whole town of Deptford, almost, will be vouchers for the reality thereof; and the ruins that this infernal battery has made on the windows are still visible to any that will please to visit the house.

And what can we now imagine our witty infidels will object against this plain matter of fact, or how can they deny invisible powers, when the effects of them are so apparent. We may therefore conclude that they only pretend to be unbelievers in their own defence; and since their lewd lives make them doubtful of obtaining eternal happiness, they strive to fortify their minds against all the arguments offered to prove a future judgment; and because they live like brutes, only gratifying their sinful lusts and appetites, they hope, and would persuade themselves they shall likewise die like beasts. But let them remember there is nothing more certain than, That for all these things God will bring them into Judgment.

London, printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey, 1699.