New Century Ghost Story.
An old hall, situated not far from that picturesque place, Fritton Lake, has for some time past been believed by its residents to be haunted. This same hall was the scene of the following story. Quite recently a gentleman and his wife were sleeping in the haunted room, when about 12 o’clock an uncanny knocking was heard on the panels of the bedroom door. On the door being opened nothing was visible, but about five minutes later the occupants were much startled at hearing the same regular knocks repeated. To the request”come in,” nobody answered. Footsteps were heard walking down the corridors, but the closest scrutiny of every nook and corner failed to bring light any person or anything capable of causing the disturbances.
A few nights ago, a young lady who resides at the old hall, rushed from her bedroom with terror-stricken face, declaring that she had been dragged from her bed by invisible hands. Two gentlemen have volunteered to wait up for and catch the ghost red-handed, and thus break the spell. We expect to hear more concerning this affair at a later date.
Yarmouth Independent, 5th January 1901.