The Mystery of No. 13.
Uncanny House at Fleetwood.
Woman’s Appeal to Council.
This is the mystery of No. 13, which is believed to be an unlucky number, according to a Fleetwood family. Uncanny noises and queer rappings in the middle of the night, illnesses affecting the whole family, and the death of her grandfather and three-years-old son, are the reasons for Mrs Benjamin Leadbetter’s appeal to the Fleetwood Council to provide another municipal house in place of her present home in Lindel-road, which is numbered 13.
Mrs Leadbetter told a reporter that “anything may happen” as long as she remains at the house. She was given the key for the house at the Town Hall and casually remarked about the number being 13, although at that time she was not superstitious. “Early last April my grandfather died after a long illness, and soon after our only son, Arthur, became ill and was taken to Moss Side Hospital, suffering from scarlet fever. His condition became worse and he died,” Mrs Leadbetter stated.
After her grandfather’s death, Mrs Leadbetter said that queer things began to happen. One night, when she was in bed, she heard loud rapping noises coming from the room her grandfather had occupied. Her grandmother was also awakened by the knockings, and early the next morning her husband and daughter heard sounds for which they could not account. Since then the room used by Mrs Leadbetter’s grandfather has been closed.
“The strain of these occurrences began to tell on me,” she remarked, “and affected my health. There is something uncanny about the room, and I rarely enter it.” Sometimes Mr Leadbetter’s work keeps him out until late, and his wife and child always wait up for his return.
Mr Leadbetter confirmed the story of the strange occurrences, and said his wife was not usually a nervous worman. “Although I am not superstitious myself, it is remarkable that all this should happen since we came to live at No. 13. Normally we are a healthy family.”
The family hope that they will be granted another house, and Mrs Leadbetter said she would accept any residence if it were not numbered 13. The matter has been reported to the Council and an assurance that it would be fully considered has been given. The circumstances are to be investigated.
Fleetwood Chronicle, 14th April 1933.