
Galston, East Ayrshire (1869)

 Galston – “The Supernatural.”

The upland district of the county is becoming famous for the supernatural. For several weeks past the good folks of Galston have had their curiosity awakened by bell-ringing, under the direction of some unaccountable agent in the house of Mr George Clarke, spirit dealer. Hundreds daily visit the premises.

Chemists, bellhangers, masons, joiners, and other tradesmen have been consulted; but their united wisdom has failed to discover the cause, or suspend the annoyance. Some of the wires were changed, and for a few days this proved a cure; but again they resumed operations with renewed vigour, rebounding with such velocity as to break the ceiling, force out the staples which guided the wires, and set at defiance the utmost vigilance to unravel the mystery.

The universal impression carried away by all visitors who are allowed the utmost freedom of inspection is, that the whole affair is most unaccountable. – Ayr Observer.

Edinburgh Evening Courant, 19th March 1869.