
Derbyshire (19th century)

 Supernatural Ringing of Bells.

Seeing an account in this column of mysterious bell ringing, I give the following instance. One who was with a well-known Derbyshire family many years ago, remembers vividly at this day the scare that was occasioned by the uncanny behaviour of the house bells. A son of the house was at that time serving with the English army in the Indian Mutiny. One evening, when the ladies had passed down to dinner, the bells in connection with the rooms were violently rung. The maids rushed in alarm to answer the summons, thinking it somewhat unusual to be called at that time of the day. To their astonishment they found the chambers untenanted, and were thrown into a state of consternation through the strange occurrence. This unaccountable ringing at that particular hour was persisted in for some time; in fact, it is said, until the arrival of the news of the soldier son’s death. It was then remarked by one present that “this then is the meaning of the strange ringing of the bells.”

W Harris, Eastwood.

Nottinghamshire Guardian, 5th February 1898.