
Hampton, London, Surrey (1868)

 Another Ghost Story.

Considerable excitement has been created in this village lately by a noise at a gentleman’s house, as of stones being thrown at a window. It was supposed at first that some one from an innate love of mischief threw stones at the window, and two men were set to watch; but that theory was soon “knocked on the head” as some would say, for in spite of the watching, the annoyance was still kept up, no one being able to account for it. The inmates then became rather alarmed. 

Perhaps, if the believers in spiritualism had heard of the occurrence at this stage, they would have explained the seeming mystery away by asserting that it was the spirits of the departed making themselves heard in that peculiar style, for some unaccountable reason not vouchsafed to mortal ken. But at last the great mystery was cleared up in a very curious manner, and another ghost laid low.

A small window was observed to be broken after the freaks of the preceding night, and on examination it was found that it had been done by some one from the inside, with a flint stone, that was picked up close by. One of the servants, for reasons that are inexplicable – except that she perhaps wanted to create a sensation similar to that lately caused by the so-called haunted house at Kensington – had chosen that peculiar way of enlivening her dreary village life.

Surrey Comet, 21st March 1868.