“An extraordinary medium has been found at Agen. She is quite young – is a Mdlle. Honorine – and when the spiritualistic phenomena occur through her, her hands are tied, together with a handkerchief and she is placed upon a bed. Cards are placed under her pillow, or are pinned to the bed-curtains, and mental questions are asked, with the desire that the answer shall appear on said cards; and there indeed the correct answer is found. The ‘Marseillaise’ is then drummed out, the ‘Dame Angot‘, the ‘Chant du Depart,’ the ‘Retreat’, – in fact, anything called for. The sound of the horses’ feet as the cavalry retreat, is perfectly represented. Musical instruments are played upon and carried about the room. An officer of the army placed a ribbon under the pillow, and invisible fingers tied a knot in it. Money laid outside of a closed tobacco-box was found within it. The bed was drawn across the room, or, as the child-medium said, ‘was pushed.‘ The direct writing obtained, manifested familiarity with the pen, whereas Honorine can scarcely write or read.” – Revue Spirite, December 1881.
Nineteenth century miracles, or Spirits and their work in every country of the earth. Emma Britten, 1884.