Mysteirous Stone-throwing.
Some mysterious stone-throwing, similar to that reported from New South Wales a few months ago, and Yeppoon, has caused considerable annoyance to residents of Ballarat East (Victoria). The houses of several people living at Scott’s Parade, near the railway line, have been stoned night and day. No. 51, a dwelling occupied by W. Eddy, a carrier, is in a state of siege, and there are only four panes of glass in the house that have not been shattered by the missiles that are thrown from various points. Other houses are in much the same plight and people are terror-stricken, as bricks and huge boulders bounce through the room in a fashion that makes living in the premises a positive danger. The bombardment has not ceased although the police are constantly on the spot making investigation.
Morning Bulletin (Queensland), 2nd March 1901.