‘Ghost’ Haunting Banbury Shop.
Two years of pranks by ‘Harry Hunt’.
For more than two years Harry Hunt has persistently annoyed the staff of a dress shop with his practical jokes. But they cannot lay a hand on Harry because he is a ghost!
Mrs. J. Azopardi, manageress of the shop – the Fine Lady, in Cornhill, Banbury, said yesterday that Harry opened hat boxes and emptied the contents, took zippers, and moved household articles about, and tried to frighten them by tramping about in the rooms above.
All the staff complain that they feel Harry is continually watching them, but though at first they were terrified, they are now quite used to him.
Miss Shirley Arnitt, a member of the staff, recently placed a glass surrounded by letters of the alphabet on a table in the shop, and when the staff put their fingers on it, it spelled out a message which began “I am Harry Hunt aged three score years and ten. I am watching you.”
Birmingham Daily Post, 17th February 1954.