A frightening and disturbing tale has come from Mrs Gillian Elson, of 14 Carter Avenue, Kelsall. It concerns her mother’s house in Beeston, where strange goings on have been happening for several years. The family has even called in a medium, but without any luck, it seems. The medium believes that the house is haunted.
Mrs Elson says that at night her bed rocked from side to side, rooms in the heat of summer were freezing cold, mattresses moved mysteriously, and strangest of all, both her and her sister heard the sound of a drum, plus footsteps, in the bedroom over the room above them. “It sounded as though the ghost was walking on the bare floor and stairs, but my Mum has carpeting throughout,” says Mrs Elson in her letter. “And when she jumped up and opened the door… there was nothing there.” Now neither her nor her sister are happy about sleeping there.
Chester Chronicle, 18th January 1985.