
Berlin, Germany (1929)

 Family Ghosts.

Interesting German Case.

Australian Press Association. Berlin, November 21.

The interesting question whether a tenant has the right to keep family ghosts at present is before the Civil Court. The ghost of an uncle of an 11 year old girl, Luzie Regulski, is causing so much trouble in her father’s flat, which is situated in a big tenement building, that the neighbours have complained to the landlord, who is seeking an order for the family’s eviction.

The ghostly uncle’s appearances are heralded by loud noises, scratchings, and knockings on walls and doors, and tables and chairs jump about the room.

The landlord says that the noisy ghost has prejudiced the market value of the tenement; and contents that the whole ghostly business is a fraud. Failing this, he advances the alternative plea that tenants accompanied by family ghosts should state the fact before signing a lease.

The case is being given considerable prominence in the Press, and the German Psychological Society is investigating it.

The Telegraph (Brisbane) 23rd November 1929.