Alarmed by a ghost.
An extraordinary story was current in Bo’ness on Saturday. A signalman at Birkhill, three and a half miles from the main line of the North British system to Edinburgh, on the Bo’ness branch, had been complaining to his superiors of what he termed a nocturnal “ghost” interfering with his work at night. Many were the tricks described, but the favourite one was stated to be throwing stones at the windows of the cabin.
Things reached a climax on Friday night, when the man telegraphed to a wayside station for assistance. The railway detective at Bo’ness was communicated with, the services of three county policemen were enlisted; and the detective, constable, and an official armed with a crowbar proceeded on an engine to Birkhill. The signalman was found to be terribly alarmed.
The men made a thorough search of the neighbourhood, but could not discover any signs of any practical joker. The signal station is one that does not find favour with the employees, and the latest one has had his wish acceded to and been shifted from it.
Dundee Evening Telegraph, 25th December 1899.