Ghost rings a bell.
Police puzzled by a spectre-haunted house at Blackheath.
On Saturday night some malicious spirit disturbed the occupants of a little house in Blackheath by ringing the doorbell at intervals throughout the night. The house is near the spot where the notorious Mr Charles Peace was surprised in hiding by the police and arrested, and so uncanny were the happenings of Saturday night as to give rise to the theory that the unquiet spirit of Mr Peace had returned to the neighbourhood.
The assistance of the police was invoked. Even while constables stood and watched bell-pull and wires the ghost played derisive peals on the bell. Reluctantly the constables admitted the mystery was beyond them, and departed, leaving one of their number to stand guard over the house. But the bell rang at intervals until cock-crow, when it was heard no more.
Daily Mirror, 13th February 1905.