‘Evil demons’ drive terrified family out of their home.
Number thirty, Mardale Avenue… just an ordinary semi-detached in Blackpool. But to the Miller family it’s a house of horror. They have moved out, stripeed the place of every stick of furniture and vowed never to return. For the whole family has been terrified by a ghost. Rooms suddenly went cold, wooden beams banged with no-one near them and at times the whole house shook.
Alfred and Mary Miller and their five children are convinced the house, which is close to the scene of a grisly stabbing in 1991, has been possessed by demons. Mary even believes the ghost tried to kill her after she blacked out twice in one evening and Alfred, a car mechanic, said: “I am a strapping bloke and until now I feared nothing. I never believed in ghosts, but I do now.”
Eldest daughter Mary, 24, said: “These are not friendly ghosts. They are evil demons…” The family brought in a Roman Catholic priest, a vicar and even a spirit medium in vain attempts to end the terror. Psychic Paula Paradaema said last night: “The family was right to leave. There is terrible sadness here. They should never return or tragedy will strike.”
The People, 16th January 1994.