
Bloemfontein, South Africa (1930)

 Stoned by a spirit.

Followed him when he flitted.

Nobody has seen thrower.

Neither detectives nor a witch doctor have been able to solve the mystery of the stoning of a white man by a “spirit” enemy which has now been going on for two months. The man, a certain Mr Prinsloo, lives in the Foulesburg district of Bloemfontein (Orange Free State) and daily goes in danger of his life. Stones have been thrown at him in the streets and even in his own house, but nobody has ever caught a glimpse of the thrower.

 One night some of his friends hid themselves while he walked round the house. Nothing happened until he entered the living room from the kitchen, when a shower of stones descended upon him, one of them striking him unconscious. He changed to a new house, but the stone throwing still continued. On the last occasion he was out walking with some friends a stone struck him just above the eye, causing a deep wound.

A witch doctor consulted by Prinsloo declared himself powerless to do anything, as the attacker was stronger than himself. Even a detective with a bloodhound was unable to trace the attacker. A crystal-gazer from Ficksburg showed Prinsloo four persons in his crystal – two men and two women who Prinsloo recognised as people living in a railway camp near him. But the stone throwing still continues unabated.

Belfast Telegraph, 26th August 1930.