“Haunted” House Mystery.
Couple baffled by some queer events.
Four years’ suspense.
Special to “Reynold’s.”
Bradford, Saturday. – Bradford is agog concerning a remarkable story told by Mr and Mrs Kendrick, of 23, Milton-street, as to supernatural happenings at their home. These first began four years ago, but the couple have maintained close secrecy until now, their friends having no knowledge of the occurrences. Mr and Mrs Kendrick, Mrs Kendrick’s mother and brother all declare that furniture, cooking utensils, and other household goods are moved about the house without human interposition almost daily.
On occasion crashes are heard at night in all parts of the house. Mr Kendrick has repeatedly made examinations of the premises, believing a practical joker to have effected an entrance, but always he has found everything in order.
Special precautions have been taken against anyone entering the house by the cellar. “Quite recently,” declared Mrs Kendrick, “I placed the baby’s clothes in a chest of drawers. They were contained in a cardboard box. Next morning they were lying neatly on the couch in the same room with the drawer open.”
There have been mysterious noises in the bedroom, and the bed in which the couple sleep has been violently shaken. This happened last on Thursday night.
Water has fallen on Mrs Kendrick’s head while she has been alone in the house, which is one of a row, and was formerly occupied by a woman interested in spiritualism.
Mr and Mrs Kendrick, normal young people, have made many investigations with the object of tracing the cause of the mysterious movements.
Reynolds’s Newspaper, 10th August 1924.
Mystery House of Noises
Water from ceiling and night bangs.
Strange happenings at 23, Milton Street, Lesterhills [Listerhills], Bradford, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick and their daughter, have aroused considerable interest, and thousands of people visited the neighbourhood during the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick state that for four years there have been extraordinary occurences in the house. A galvanised dolly-tub has jumped violently about the floor, they say; clothes have been taken from drawers and laid neatly in the room, big boxes have bumped about in the bedroom, and water has come through the ceiling, although there was no sign of its source. They state that the furniture, etc., only moved in the night time, when all was dark, and none of them ever saw the things move.
Mr. Kendrick has received several offers from people to stay in the house for a night for investigations, but none has been accepted. One spiritualist suggests that a seance be held in the house.
The crowd near the house during the week-end got so large at one time that the police had to be requisitioned.
The house is one of the working-class type, one of a row. Although these rappings on a grand scale have been going on for four years none of the neighbours has heard a single sound.
Lichfield Mercury, 15th August 1924.