
Bridlington, East Yorkshire (1967)

 ‘Flying apples’ at Bridlington.

[This family] believe they have a poltergeist with a line in flying apples. Mr Brian Jones, his wife Kathleen and their children, Helen (16) and Trevor (seven) of Fortyfoot, claim that they have all seen the small red apples – normal in every other respect – jump across the room and hit the pantry door.

When neighbours were told, no one believed the story, but when Mrs Kathleen Harrison, wh olives next door, was in the Jones’s house, one apple “jumped” past her head into the hall. Mrs Jones said: “We keep the apples on a plate. The first time an apple jumped, we could hardly believe our eyes, but when it happened again we jumped as well! We noticed that before the apples jumped there was a slight rustling or hissing noise. We had the plate covered up with a cloth.”

Mrs Jones thinks that there is a poltergeist in the house because, she says, she has noticed other “weird things” and heard noises which she cannot explain.

Jumping apples. – Mrs K. Jones (left), of 19, Fortyfoot, Bridlington, her son, Trevor (7) and her next door neighbour, Mrs M Harrison. On the plate are oranges and some of the “flying apples.”

Hull Daily Mail, 7th October 1967.