
Bristol (1905)

 Haunted Shop.

Ghostly noises and visitors to which a Bristol family have become accustomed.

Bristol boasts a haunted shop, which is kept by a well-known watchmaker in Regent-street. It is haunted in three ways: by noises, weights, and apparitions. Sometimes the noises resemble the scamperings of a host of cats, while the rushing noise of a motor-car is not uncommon. 

The children complain that people walk on them while they are in bed, and frequently the parents are alarmed by a soft thud as of a child falling out of bed. When this happens, investigation always reveals that no such thing has occurred. 

The worst form of the visitation, however, is the apparition of a large man of forbidding appearance. Fortunately, the occupants of the house have now got used to these phenomena, and would be rather disappointed if they failed to materialise now and again.

Daily Mirror, 8th June 1905.