Local ghost stories and strange happenings.
E. G— says: Within an hour and a half’s easy walk from Buckingham Town Hall stands my house, and its living persons comprise self, wife, and children . About three years ago strange noises began to be heard at times, more or less frequently. At first we treated them lightly – we thought they were fancies. not so now.
We used to be startled in the evening and during the nights by knockings at the doors and rapping on the walls, but on our answering the knocks, we found no one about the premises. Many nights we have heard footsteps in our bedrooms, on the stairs, and in the rooms below, and at this date (December 23rd) they are of almost nightly occurrence.
About six weeks ago the noise at our bedside was very startling – it was like someone moving about the room we were in. There were distinct heavy movements. My wife was rather timitd, but presently fell asleep, and I was just upon following her example when I distinctly felt the mattress heave up and down. I did not mention the fact till morning, as I thought perhaps my wife would be afraid. But there was nobody under the bed.
Lately, owing to our infant not being well, I slept in an adjoining bedroom and the child slept with its mother. To my surprise she told me next day that she also felt the bed quite plainly move up and down several times, but as so many strange happenings are now the rule, and not the exception with us, she was not so terrifiedas otherwise would have been the case.
Often we are awakened by peculiar, unfathomable sounds in different parts and at different times. I have not seen anything, and continually wondered ifthe restless spirit – for I don’t know how elseto designate it – is male or female, but I believe the latter now,forabout a fortnight ago I started fromsleep by hearing footsteps walking round my bed, creaking like a woman wearing soft boots.
The chief haunt of the unearthly visitant seems to be mostly in a certain bedroom near the landing and down the staircase. The children as well as ourselves so often hear the gate (made for the children’s safety) at the top of the stairs bang to and fro in the night that we tire of telling one another about it. We call the ghost – or whatever it is – the family “fixture”. It is well known the good Rev. John Wesley and household was haunted by similar unaccountable spiritualistic noises. Therefore, why shouldn’t ours be also?
One night during the present month my wife was lying awake, and saw a shadow rise in front of a candle, which was burning at the time – we always keep a light burning because of the child – accompanied by a noise like heavy breathing, and with a wave of the hand it put the light out. The candlestick fell over, but on examining the apartment there was nothing, and the door had not been unfastened.
At another time, lately, being a light sleeper, I hadbeen lying awake for fully an hour, when all of a sudden I heard the bedroom door, to which I have referred, and near where two children sleep, begin to open and close with great violence. This it continued to do for five minutes, then I halloed out to know if anyone were shaking it; but on receiving no reply, I walked on the landing and witnessed such a sight I never saw before in my life. It was a quiet, still night, and yet the door was moving rapidly, and making enough noise to wake up the whole household. I watched it a minute or so, and then, opening my wife’s bedroom door, intended to ask her to witness it also. Everyone slept soundly, and as she had not been well, and, in a refreshing sleep, which was singular considering the rattle, I was loth to disturb her.
I then went and took hold of the door, and, with great force caused it to latch at last, and after this all was still again. If we shut doors at night, they will be opened in the morning, and vice versa. Only a few nights ago, I went up to rest last of all, and having forgotten to bring up the timepiece, I returned for it, when the door I had just opened, leading to the kitchen, was tightly closed.
One curious thing is that my wife often sees me apparently near her in the daytime, adn addresses me, when I am not in the house, and I often see her in the same way.
Another singular thing is that the children almost regularly, without nightmares, between 1 and 4 a.m., begin talking to each other for an hour together, very loudly. They never feel exhausted in the morning, and know nothing about it. A night or two ago, a little child who slept near me, began talking in the middle of the night, whilst the others answered back again. I took a light and watched the countenance which looked happy and smiling, but no words were articulated. Was this some mysterious transmission of thoughts – Who shall say?
One evening, a week ago, about 9 o’clock, my wife was upstairs putting the children to bed, and as I sat by the fire, I heard a voice speaking several times in teh room I was sitting in. Presently my wife came downstairs, and before reaching the bottom enquired of me who I had got with me talking. I told her no-one was in the house except the children upstairs and ourselves. “Well,” she said, “I am sure I can hear some strange voices in the room.” We listened and both heard it together.
I also call to mind one early morning not long since, about half past three, hearing someone go downstairs and close the door, after I saw a light as from a candle or lamp at the time. Thinking someone had got up to kindle the fires too early, I ascertained and found all asleep. The next morning about the same early hour there was a loud report like the falling of a marble washhand stand. I darted out of bed to find all quiet, and the room undisturbed.
There are many more events I might tell of, but I have written sufficient to show it is a ghostly house we reside in. Some may wonder if we are alarmed. Not much! You see it is our family fixture, although I am quite ready to admit an uncanny one, and the truism that familiarity breeds contempt, applies to ghosts like everything else.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press, 2nd January 1892.