
Byker, Newcastle (1947)

 Mystery rappings in flat still unsolved.

A Newcastle police officer who has sat in a downstairs flat in Clydesddale Road, Byker, specially to listen to rappings and knockings from its walls, is as mystified what causes them as are the tenants. 

For a month now, Mr and Mrs W. Locke, who live in Number 46, have been puzzled by mysterious sounds coming from various parts of their home. Finally they decided to call in the help of the police and a sergeant who visited their home stayed until he also heard the noises. 

He came away without having solved the problem. First heard coming from the walls of the living room, the noises are not heard at regular intervals and give no warning of their starting.

Mr Locke, a Newcastle Transport Department employee, who has lived in the flat about nine months, told a “Newcastle Journal” reporter: “We cannot explain what is making the noises. They started about a month ago, and we took no notice of them for a while. There is no sign of anything in the walls, which are solid enough. We have more or less got used to the noises. Although they are a bit of a nuisance. So far as I know, there are no colliery workings under here. We are not frightened by the noises, but they are annoying.”

Newcastle Journal, 8th February 1947.