To the Editor of the Belfast Morning News. Sir, – Ghost stories are an old institution in every country under the sun. Many a deadly wound they have got from the redoubtable pen of the
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Catshill, Worcestershire (1869)
Catshill. A Haunted (?) House. There has been quite a sensation here recently, in consequence of stones dropping on and around the weigh bench of a nail shop at Marlbrook, in what is thought to
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Weird Story of Tranmere Sands. A night at the haunted hut. The watch, alarm, and denouement. (From a Correspondent.) “Truth is stranger than fiction.” Some four weeks since there was placed on the beach at
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Another mysterious affair at present engaging the attention of the police is in the Loudoun Hill. For about a month past the family have been annoyed by violent knocking at the doors and windows during
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Galston – “The Supernatural.” The upland district of the county is becoming famous for the supernatural. For several weeks past the good folks of Galston have had their curiosity awakened by bell-ringing, under the direction
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A Ghost at Rose Villa. During the early part of last week much alarm and excitement was caused to the inmates of Rose Villa, Almondbury, the residence of Mr Bayliss, contractor for the Kirkburton Railway.
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Solution of the Spirits and Bell Ringing. To the Editor of the Times. Sir, – About a fortnight ago a gentleman – Mr. H. P., of Notting-hill, informed me that his house bells had been
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Mysterious bell-ringing at Falkirk. Remarkable conduct of a domestic servant. At the Falkirk Police Court yesterday, Elizabeth Cameron, aged 18, a servant in the employment of Mr David Murdoch, druggist, Falkirk, was charged before Sheriff
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The second [story of three] is to the effect that the wife of a respectable innkeeper in this town died not long ago, and that at a certain hour the bells of the inn ring
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Who’s Dat Knocking? A mysterious, and as yet unexplained occurrence has set the good people of Penryn “all agog.” On Thursday evening last, much alarm was caused by a strange knocking in a house opposite
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