The Mysterious Window Smashing. We are pleased to be able to state that the mysterious window smashing, which has lately caused so much excitement in this village, was discontinued from last Saturday night till Thursday
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Detroit, Michigan, USA (1873)
An American Ghost Story. About a year ago, says the Detroit Free Press, a house in the western part of the city was haunted by strange noises, and three or four families vacated, one after
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Lambeth. Maria Horgan, 20, described as a servant, was charged before Mr Lushington with stealing a watch and chain, the property of George Wells. The facts in connection with the case were very extraordinary. Detective
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Colchester. A mystery solved. A mystery, which for some time threw the parish of St Leonard’s into a state of great excitement and alarm, has been satisfactorily solved, and the superstitious, by whom the phenomenon
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A Real Ghost Story. A deal of excitement has been caused in Plattsburg by the rumour that a certain house in Devon street was haunted. On Monday night a large number of people assembled in
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The Californian Ghost. Not to be outdone by the old country San Francisco has had a reproduction of the Cock-lane Ghost mystery. A committee of investigation is sitting with closed doors endeavouring to sift the
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I have neglected my usual custom of marking the date of the occurrence on this extract, but the even t occurred only a few years back. The story is evidently a description of a spiritual
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Stone-throwing extraordinary. On Wednesday and Thursday evenings the inhabitants of Bedford-street suffered considerable loss and annoyance through the breakage of their windows by some, at present undiscovered miscreants. The plan of these diabolical operations seems
Continue ReadingPorthmadog, Gwynedd (1875)
Portmadoc Jottings. Not far from my place of observation, there is a farmhouse, where lately the inhabitants have been troubled by strange moanings and other noises, leading them to think that there is in their
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The New York Sun of October 14th quotes the following from the San Francisco Chronicle – Mysterious manifestations of recent occurrence at the dwelling, 933 Howard-street, have created something of a sensation, and form the
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