Stones fall near a remote farm but the activity soon transfers inside the house. Many objects are moved and hidden and the occurrences seem to focus on the Fishers’ eleven-year-old daughter. A large knife balances on her shoulder and is seen by many people.
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Baltimore, Maryland, USA (1881)
The Puzzling of Baltimore’s Police. From the “Baltimore American.” There is reported to be a mysterious visitor hanging about the corner of Frederick and Fayette Streets, who for the past week has been throwing stones
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There is a certain house here, at Tiflis, near the Mooshtaid [Mushthaid/ Mushtaidi] garden, long since deserted on account of its reputation of being haunted. This winter, a strong rumour was suddenly spread about the
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A Strange Affliction. The American papers report a strange story of the “unaccountable affliction of a Rochester boy,” the son of Leonard Westveer, a paper-hanger, who resides at 11, Huntington-street. Five weeks ago the boy
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Spooks in Jersey. Newark Ghosts Draw Bigger Houses Than Hamlet’s Father. Invisible sledge hammers – bullet proof spirits – determined ghost hunters. Newark has a ghost story which is exciting the people of the lower
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Disorderly Manifestations. At a farm-house at Montelimart, occupied by Mouton-Florent, his wife, and a daughter ten years of age, for the past four weeks there have been stones thrown through the windows and doorways. The
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Mysterious flights of bottles. A despatch in the New York World on the 24th of June says – An old brick house on Four-and-a-Half street and Missouri avenue is said to be haunted. The building,
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Vexatious Spirits. About three miles northwest of town, there is a farm, known as the Zahller place, one of the oldest in the State, and owned by the heirs, one of whom occupies it. On
Continue ReadingClopotiva, Romania (1880)
The March number of Psychische Studien contains a report of some extraordinary stone-throwing on the 17th of November last, at the house of a gentleman named Batternay, living at Klopotiva, Siebenburgena. The account is accompanied
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The journals of Gard report also that in the vicinity of Barjac, an honest cultivator and his wife have for some time past been troubled at nights, not only with noises, but with upsetting of
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