“Shadows around us.” To the Editor of the “People”. Sir, – Pardon me for taking the liberty of writing you, but as you have for some weeks past being amusing your readers with some very
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Leith, Edinburgh (1810)
A whimsical farce has been carried on in Leith, for those eight days past, which equals in mystery, and exceeds in mischief, the achievements of the some time celebrated Sourhole Ghost. The habitations of two
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Ghost Story. A spiritual visitant, as was supposed, for some days lately, afforded a subject of wonderment to the natives of the port of Leith. In a house in the Kirkgate there were heard the
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Spiritual Manifestations in Edinburgh. For the last two months a rumour has been afloat in the north-west portion of Edinburgh that two of the houses in quiet and retired Ann Street are visited by certain
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Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, by Robert Dale Owen. … ‘The Lawsuit’ is the title of a narrative of disturbances in a house near Edinburgh. We quote at length:- A certain Captain Molesworth,
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Mysterious Case. There is at present a case in progress in the Sheriff Court of Edinburgh, the circumstances of which are as unaccountable as they are of rare occurrence. A military gentleman and his family
Continue ReadingMorningside, Edinburgh, 1875
An Edinburgh “Cocklane Ghost.” About a month ago, Miss Tytler, a lady residing at Canaan Lane, Morningside, became much alarmed and terrified by a series of annoyances which occurred at her house. Some two months
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A Ghost In Rose Street. For some time the residents in Rose Street, Edinburgh, or, more strictly speaking, the superstitious portion of them, have had their imaginations exercised by the presence among them of what
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