Capture of an “Evil Spirit.” For some weeks past Mr. Strange, whitesmith, of Stratford, as been subjected to a series of annoyances and damages, the origin of which has, in spite of all that he
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Leicester (1837)
A Perplexing Plot.For several nights past, Mr Hincks, of Wellington-street, maltster, has been sorely annoyed by some anonymous brewer of mystery and mischief. Night after night, in the dusky hours, some unseen hand has thrown
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The Battersea “Ghost.” House bombarded by crowd. Following a report that it was haunted, a house in Eland-road, Battersea, was surrounded by a large crowd, including hundreds of school children, yesterday, and missiles were thrown,
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Another Ghost? Mysterious Missiles in a Yarmouth Row. Exciting Incidents. Something akin to the scenes witnessed some time ago, when a report got abroad that ghosts had been seen in Yarmouth Churchyard, have disturbed Middlegate
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