France appears to be the favorite country for spirits who like to throw stones, though such phenomena as stone-throwing have occasionally appeared in other lands. Perhaps it pleasingly recalls to the perpetrators of the mischief
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Laroche-en-Brenil, Cote-d’Or, France (1898)
‘L’Echo du Merveilleux’ reprints from the ‘Bien Public,’ a Dijon paper, the detailed account of another ‘Poltergeist’ case. From the 19th to the 27th of March, manifestations of a violent and destructive character have taken
Continue ReadingNimes, Occitania, France (1890)
Missile Throwing by Unseen Hands. V. Flamen, a correspondent of La Lumiere, quotes the following from the Journal de Nimes, under the heading of “Une Maison Mysterieuse”: Mme Hilair, Laitiere, who lives in Rue Turenne
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L’esprit Des Cordeliers D’Orleans, 1534. Memoire inedit de Calvin. (D’apres la minute originale de la main de Charles de Jonvillers, son secretaire). La tres instructive et amusante notice que nous avons publiee ‘sur l’histoire du
Continue ReadingBesançon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France (1998)
No need for exorcism, priest rules. When 20 astonished parishioners in a French village saw a lighted candle spin through the air and smash against a church pillar last weekend, the Catholic Archbishop of Besançon
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A French Ghost. Bullet which passed through an apparition. Mystified and not a little frightened by the continued visitations of what she believes to be a ghost. A Madame Hamon has been forced to leave
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The same M. Roger, whose intentional errors M. Charpignon has pointed out in one of our previous numbers, wrote in the Constitutionnel. It seems that the population of the commune of Guillonville, canton of Orgeres,
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Disorderly Manifestations. At a farm-house at Montelimart, occupied by Mouton-Florent, his wife, and a daughter ten years of age, for the past four weeks there have been stones thrown through the windows and doorways. The
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The journals of Gard report also that in the vicinity of Barjac, an honest cultivator and his wife have for some time past been troubled at nights, not only with noises, but with upsetting of
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Missiles thrown by unseen agency. The Revue Spirite of this month quotes from the Union Liberale de Tours and the Journal d’Indre-et-Loire some facts which have caused excitement in their locality. At a farm situate
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