Mysterious knocking and ringing continued for three years – the police baffled. The correspondent of the Revue Spirite relates, that at Ulm, in Bavaria, spirits have persistently disturbed the town by loud rapping on one
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Grosserlach, Germany (1916)
The apparition in Gross-Erlach (Wurttemberg), described in detail by Johannes Illig in his treatise “Der Spuk von Gross Erlach, Juni 1916” (Goppinger Tagblate, also Psychische Studien, Leipzig), began with untying of cattle-chains in a locked
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From ‘Throwing of stones and other substances by spirits’ by William Howitt. … The disturbance of the monastery of Maulbronn took place in the year 1659-60. It began with the throwing of different things from
Continue ReadingBad Bergzabern, Germany (1850s)
[Another account is of] Phillipine Senger, the magnetic girl of Bergzabern, in the Pfalz, whom Hornung visited in the hospital at Frankenthal. Her story was published by Baron Du Potet in the Journal of Magnetism,
Continue ReadingGröben, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany (1718)
In the parsonage of Groben, says Hennings in Geister und Geisterschern, p. 802, the inhabitants were much disturbed in 1718 by the throwing of stones upon the roofs of the house and the outbuildings. The
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The Hopfgarten Poltergeist Case. (Der Spuk in Hopfgarten. We have used the word Poltergeist in the title given because the case is of the type we usually classify under that name). The report which we
Continue ReadingResau, Brandenburg, Germany (1889)
Laying a ghost. The uneasy spirit that exercised itself within a veritable haunted house in Germany has just been very effectively “laid,” and that not by any canonical or uncanonical form of exorcism, but by
Continue ReadingFriedrichsruhe, Aumühle, Germany (1887)
Prince Bismarck’s estate of Friedrichsruhe, in Lauenburg, Northern Prussia, is, says the Graphic, troubled by ghosts. Most mysterious noises and visions haunt one of the chief foresters’ lodges, flaming swords strangely appear, and spirits rap
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Strange case at Munich. The following case, which seems scarcely possible at the end of the nineteenth century, occurred on Tuesday at Munich. In a house in the Parkstrasse the parish priest of St Benno
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The ghost that blew a fuse over television. Bristol BBC producer Anne Owen does not believe in ghosts, but she is convinced an electronic poltergeist is playing supernatural tricks with a programme she is compiling.
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