Spiritualism in the Daily Papers. It is very certain that, as regards the attitude of the Press towards Spiritualism and the publicity willingly given to all matters connected with it, foreign journalism is far ahead
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Melito Irpino, Campania, Italy (1966)
Village brand girl, 9, as ‘witch’. Little Nicolina and ‘evil spirit’ start a panic. From Llyn Lewis, Rome, Saturday. Police have been sent to a tiny hamlet in Southern Italy to protect a girl of
Continue ReadingNaples, Italy (1905)
Ghostly Mysteries. The two Neapolitan villages of Arenella and Due Porte, in the Vomero region, have for some days been in a state of great superstitious excitement. The house, occupied by a widow, named Morea,
Continue ReadingMilan, Lombardy, Italy (1932)
Mysterious hail of missiles. Occurrences in Milan. A Milan family named Canziani has been thrown into great alarm by mysterious attacks, attributed, locally, to the spirit world, says the Milan correspondent of the Irish Independent.
Continue ReadingGenoa, Liguria, Italy (c. 1870s?)
Father Lucchesi’s second story has nothing directly to do with our present subject [poltergeists in the West Indies], but it is curious, and I trust that I may be excused for quoting his letter to
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Chapter VIII. Haunted Houses. The following case of a haunted house is of special interest, as it was observed by Professor Lombroso, whom no one would suspect an excess of credulity, or of being a
Continue ReadingOrtona, Chieti, Italy (1925)
Power of Fairies. (By arrangement with London “Express.”) Rome, Saturday. – An attack of influenza left a girl of sixteen, named Emma Sharaglia, of Ortona, the possessor of psychic powers. She often falls into trances,
Continue ReadingGenoa, Liguria, Italy (1864)
In March, 1864, the attention of the Genevese public was attracted to the case of a young girl residing in Hospital Street, who for several weeks was followed by the phenomena of loud poundings and
Continue ReadingPallagorio, Calabria, Italy (1927)
An Italian Poltergeist. It is not surprising to hear of a “poltergeist” in South Italy, where everybody believes in the occult. A shopkeeper at Palagoria named Ansorio has been troubled for a long time past
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Psychic phenomena in Italy. (By “Echo” private wire). For some time past it is declared (says the Rome correspondent of the “Globe”) strange phenomena have been observed in the village of Isola, not far from
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