A New Cross “Ghost.” Strange Noises In A House. Some sensation has been caused at New-cross by the report that a certain house in the neighbourhood of Mornington-road, New-cross, is “haunted.” Strange noises have been
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Norbury, London (1956)
‘Ghost’ Happenings Are Due To Son Hanged For Murder, Says Family. By Sunday Dispatch Reporter. So many strange things are happening in their home, say the Bentleys of Norbury, S.W., that it must be the
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Haunted by his dead wife. Strange Kent happenings. “Searchlight” apparition. Whatever may be the explanation of the following extraordinary happenings that were described to the London “Evening News” by a man and his wife, who
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Plumstead. Mysterious Occurrence. During the present week almost the sole topic of conversation in Plumstead has been about some mysterious stone-throwing in the rear of Bloomfield road. It began at eight o’clock on Saturday
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Malicious and Mysterious Occurrence. On Tuesday last some evil-disposed person broke several squares of glass in the house of Mr Hullah, chemist, of John-street, London-fields; and although the most rigid inquiry took place, nothing satisfactory
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Seasonable Ghost Story. Mysterious occurrence at a surgery. A real ghost story for Hounslow has appropriately come to hand at the Christmas season, the details of which are vouched for by Messrs. Neil and Criger,
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Marylebone – Mysterious Affair. An affair of an extraordinary nature, and one which has caused as much consternation, alarm, and perplexity as any Cock-lane or Hammersmith ghost, has for some days past occupied the care,
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A new Cock-lane Ghost seems to have arisen at the house of Mrs Golding, at Stockwell, probably nothing more than a scheme to endeavour to render a certain very worthy Baronet in that neighbourhood unpopular;
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A Mysterious Affair at Clapham. An extraordinary occurrence (a correspondent says) is causing much excitement in the neighbourhood of Hafer-road, Clapham common, where the windows and conservatory of the house of Mr Piddock, a gentleman
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The spook slap. The house of the dancing furniture. Some weird experiences of a doctor in good practice in the West End of London are related by Mr Inkster Gilbertson in the current number of
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